Bristol Spirit Lodge...rules applying to seance attendance

When invited to the Lodge you will be welcomed into my home to share a séance experience, which takes place in a room that has become a dedicated place for incarnate and discarnate spirits to meet together.  Well over two thousand séances have been held since the founding of the Lodge project, with, over the years, the space becoming well loved by many. 

Unusually perhaps, it is a policy within the Lodge for each mediums' development to be primarily guided and managed by their own spirit team within a supported closed home circle environment. 
It is felt that a mediums' spirit team is fully aware of the potential ability of their chosen vessel and that those in the spirit world assigned to the role will best manage mediumistic development at the optimum pace...according to the physiological make-up of the medium and multi-various environmental factors.  Therefore we do not invite visiting sitters, mediums or spirit guides to 'step in to help'...but instead offer an invitation for them to visit the Lodge in order to offer harmonious intent and to witness the phenomena that may become demonstrated through the combined ability of the designated medium and their spirit team.

Although the mediums sitting regularly within the Lodge demonstrate a wide range of abilities, the behavioral requirements for all séance attendees invited into my home are as follows:

Sitters are to leave all personal possessions outside of the séance room. This includes jewellery, watches and money.  There are many reasons for this, but from a practical perspective should any such items become caused to 'vanish' within séance conditions it could raise embarrassing mistrust of all present.

Recording devices are not permitted to be brought into the room.  All seances are in fact recorded for evaluation purposes and for security reasons.  Additional devices would bring further batteries and so forth into the space, with each potentially causing energetic anomaly.  All recordings remain copyright to myself, although personal messages and sensitive matters will not be published without permission.  The identity of sitters will not be divulged either, as not everyone is understanding of the nature of mediumship.
The removal of shoes before entering the séance room is necessary as the tapping of feet causes sound that might be mistaken for séance phenomena (socks may be worn).

A drink of water is no longer permitted into the seance room.  Should a sitter have an unhealthy cough we ask that they refrain from sitting.  Occasionally a 'tickly' cough may be felt by a sitter...and in this case a mint or bottled water will be passed to them, hopefully causing minimum disruption.

When inside the room you will be invited to sit on the chair that will have your name on it.  Please accept the position offered, as your placement will have been selected by the guiding spirit team for energetic reasons.  It is not permitted for you to change places. 

You will find that each chair has a blanket placed upon it.  If you feel that you might become chilled during the séance please wrap your legs before sitting.  If you do not need your blanket please leave it on the back of your chair or place it under your seat.  Do not reach for the blanket during the séance.

You will notice that your chair is standing upon a rubber mat, and we ask that you keep your feet on this mat when seated as your energetic body form is required to remain stable during the séance

Do not stand up or move around during the séance (unless either myself or the spirit team requests otherwise).  You need to be seated comfortably of course, so if you wish to adjust your sitting position slightly please do so slowly and with as little obvious movement as possible. If you wish to adjust yourself more fully (like if you need to stretch)...please ask permission before  attempting to do so.

When the séance opens please remain quiet for the duration of the first piece of music.  This allows the managing spirit team to assess and blend the energies within the room as is most effective for demonstration.  Note: Some sitters feel energetic connections taking place at this time as auric fields become extended.

It is important that during the séance you remain seated in an alert manner.  It is important that sitters listen for any offered instruction, and to act as witness to any phenomena that might become demonstrated during the séance.  Observant feedback, given after the séance, is greatly appreciated.

The welfare of the demonstrating medium and respect for their supporting spirit team is paramount. 

Therefore if a sitter experiences uninvited spontaneous trance themselves during the séance there becomes a diversion of interests (and a draw upon the hosts attention) that cannot be permitted.  If such circumstances arise the séance will be closed. 
Note: If you have sat for trance development yourself previously please let the host know this before you sit.

During most séances singing is permitted, and indeed welcomed. Please do not clap your hands, stamp your feet or whistle though, as these sounds can cause energetic conflict.

Spirit communication doesn't occur verbally within every séance, but when it is received, please first allow myself to welcome each spirit visitor into the space before speaking to them yourself.  This is as would be expected were you to receive a visitor into your own home, so it is as I expect within mine. This etiquette also allows time for the spirit visitor to 'settle in' and for me to assess who they are and/or their purpose for visiting.  Just as at home you would not allow random strangers into your this rule applies here also.

In some séances the designated medium may be caused to stand up, or to walk or move around the room.  Most usually the medium is experiencing spiritual control at these times.  Therefore, as with all forms of spiritually affected phenomena seen or felt within the séance room please remain seated and do not reach out to touch. 

Reaching out to touch phenomena seen or felt within the séance room can have a detrimental affect upon the demonstrating physical medium who remains connected to the phenomena.  I have personally witnessed mediums falling without control due to loss of connective support, and have seen small burns upon the skin of a medium whose physical form has become affected by sudden movement or unexpected light introduction. This is sufficient for me to realise that such things can happen, and to best ensure séance safety by insisting upon that appropriate rules are in place. 

Within some séances soft physical touches and breezes may be felt.  Often 'clouds', morphing foggy shapes, energetic 'fizzy' lights and pixilated affects (a little like 'beam me up Scotty') can be seen.  Also coloured fine web-like structures, and energy strands linking people and furniture together.  Often the demonstrating medium can be seen seated or standing within a surrounding bubble...appearing a little like the 'Ready Brek' advert!  All these affects are natural phenomena and are regularly witnessed here in appropriate conditions.  Please enjoy all that you witness, but do not touch!

During some séances communicating spirit visitors invite questions from sitters.  If this opportunity is offered do feel free to ask any question that comes to your mind.  Ask just one or two questions  though, as other sitters will also wish to ask theirs.

Although this is highly unlikely...should you feel unwell during a séance please tell the person seated beside you and they will inform me.  Please then remain seated while I close the séance...this may take a few minutes.
Your patience and understanding is required at this time as sudden closure of the séance could seriously discomfort the medium.
Should any other difficulties arise within séance please sit still and quietly remain seated.  I will, along with the presiding spirit team, manage any problems that might arise. 

At close of séance please again sit quietly.  I will attend to the medium's needs before turning the lights up fully and unlocking the door.  I ask too that all sitters leave the room before the medium and myself...and that someone puts the kettle on!  

Note: The reason I will remain in the room for a short time alone with the medium is to properly ensure that they are fully adjusted within their change of consciousness before leaving the room.  Also, because I now support the development of several different mediums within this space, I will ensure, through intent, that full closure has been effected after each sitting, before I leave the room.