We are a small group of people sitting with dedication to support the development and demonstration of evidential physical mediumship on an experimental basis.  We sit together within a closed home circle environment. 
We do not hold public séances, although do occasionally offer guest seats to those who, like ourselves, feel genuine interest in the subject. 
The Lodge supports the development of physical mediumship. For this reason we feel it necessary to carefully consider the purpose of the sitters wishing to come along.  It is important that sitters feel genuine interest in the development of physical mediumship that they sit in support of the designated medium and spirit team.  We therefore require sitters to have a certain maturity of 'life and mind', as many times sitters are called upon to draw upon their own life experiences in order to offer relevant support to the medium.  We also do our best to meet with potential sitters before offering an invitation. 
Note: We do not, in any circumstances, invite sitters to attend who are aged under 18 years. 

Proof of continuing life
The Lodge séances do not offer proof of continuing life.  Therefore the recently bereaved, and those seeking personal messages from loved ones, could feel disappointment.  Physical mediumship does however offer evidence of survival, which in itself might demonstrate the proof that is sought. 

What is Physical mediumship?
Colin Fry talks about physical mediumship:

Why do some mediums work in the dark and others in the light, and why do sitters not use night vision and infra-red goggles?
The physiology of each physical medium is slightly different, and therefore the make-up of energy  utilised for the demonstration of spiritual phenomena varies.  Just because one medium can work within light, doesn't mean it is safe for another to do so.  Often a developing medium begins working in the dark and then gradually lighting becomes introduced at a low level. This is part of what evolves within the development circle.

General guidance:  We sit in blackout for the development and demonstration of direct and independent voice phenomena.  We sit in both blackout and shaded red light for the development and demonstration of materialisation phenomena.  We sit in red light, or dimmed white light, for the presentation of transfiguration phenomena. 

What is Trance, Over-shadowing, Transfiguration?

What is 'direct voice'?

Care of the Medium:
The appropriate care and support of the medium is of paramount importance. This is actually a matter of greatest concern when a guest sitter is invited along, or when a new sitter wishes to regularly join the group.  It can also become an issue for concern later, when a regular sitter experiences changes within their own lives.  You will have experienced a situation when the mind is in a deeply relaxed state and an external sound has caused alarm and you have woken with a feeling akin to panic.  Now, if you think of what might happen to the deep-trance medium if someone seated in the room were themselves upset, or inclined to excitement or concern, or are sitting with a sceptical and suspicious frame of mind...the medium, in a relaxed state, will be sensitive to the emotional roller coaster of such energy changes within their environment.  It is the purpose of the Lodge to provide a suitably stable energetic environment to best support the developing Medium.  We ask that any sitter experiencing emotional turmoil or extreme tiredness within their physical lives, to please refrain from sitting until restfulness has been achieved. 

Guidance for sitters:
Within the Lodge environment witnesses are required to follow the guidance and séance etiquette set by the circle host and enabling spirit teams.  Sometimes the reason for an applied rule may not be fully understood, but acceptance of the policy is a requirement of attendance nevertheless. Anyone that feels unable or unwilling to comply with this expectation should not attend. 

Note: New sitters wishing to join the group will at first sit within lit conditions and be supported by regular sitters, so no previous séance experience is required...a stable frame of mind and a happy outlook are all that is needed.  Most potential new sitters are offered up to six sittings, shared between two mediums, prior to a decision becoming made about their long-term inclusion within the Lodge closed circle. After this, regular (usually once weekly) attendance becomes an expectation.

We keep records for evidential or evaluation purposes:
All seances held are recorded using an Olympus digital voice recorder VN-2100PC.  Some seances are also photographically recorded.  Any recordings made are for evaluation purposes and the content will only be published when considered of potential benefit to those sharing our interest.  It is important that guests realise that all recordings, and published reports, remain the property of the Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle and that Chris Di Nucci, the founder, retains copyright. 

The running costs of the Lodge project are funded by myself, the founder. All home circle séances are held free of charge to sitters and guests, and without payment being made to the mediums or host. We feel it crucially important that there is absolutely no financial incentive for doing what we do. 
Note: We are grateful to those that do offer financial support towards the Lodge project, so there is now a wooden money box in the downstairs loo to receive anonymous donation.  All money received is used to replace séance room fittings.

Religious faiths and belief systems: 
Just as everyone is born into this world so everyone passes from it. Curiosity around the subject of birth and death we know to be felt by all, regardless of their wealth, health, politics or religion.  The Lodge is not affiliated to any church or organisation and circle members privately hold their own religious beliefs, or otherwise. 

The Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle is a home circle for those that share a specific interest in physical mediumship. I strongly believe mediumship (in its many forms) to be a natural latent ability possessed by all.  I believe that it can become activated at will, and that development of the ability requires only sincere dedication to this intent. 
Chris Di Nucci

E-mail link: bristol-spirit-lodge@blueyonder.co.uk